Website Promotion: 9 Steps to WordPress SEO Success

Website Promotion: 9 Steps to WordPress SEO Success

1- Hosting your WordPress blog on your own domain is the first step

It's acceptable if you host your personal blog for friends and family on WordPress. The only choice for businesses is to set up a WordPress blog on a hosting website with their own domain name. You have the most options and freedom with this. The best results from an online search tool can be found there.

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2- Verify the taglines and titles

WordPress gives each blog an introduction with a title you choose. The slogan is not automatically installed. Make sure one of your most crucial keywords appears in the headline, and define your blog in plain terms in the tagline. Only if you have a widely known brand name may you include your company name in the slogan. If you wish to include your company name someplace, you can include it in the metatag description.

3- Check the basic SEO settings

Attention: this is a crucial step! Make sure the "I want my blog to be visible to everyone" option is selected in your WordPress dashboard's Settings / Privacy section. Search engines won't be able to see your blog if the "I want to block search engines" checkbox is selected under Privacy. This is acceptable for a personal blog but not for a commercial one. Your blog might as well be hidden in a cave on a remote island if you block search engines. SEO is disabled with the second set. As stated above, make sure this setting is set to "On."

4-  Enable the Akismet plugin

All fresh WordPress installations already have this plugin installed. All you have to do is go to the WordPress website, acquire an API key, copy the code, and activate the plugin.

5- Install the All in One SEO Pack plugin

One of the most widely used SEO plugins is this one. Of course, WordPress doesn't create URLs for your posts that are search engine friendly. This plugin takes care of this automatically. Through the configuration panel for choices, you may manage a number of other SEO settings. There are 20 possibilities available. Simply click on the option name on the left side to access a detailed help that explains each option's purpose.

6- Install the Google XML Sitemaps plugin

When Google robots crawl your website, they will use this plugin to establish a fairly complex routine for them to follow. Unless you truly know what you're doing, most of these options can be kept in their default positions.

7- Install the Robots Meta Plugin

This crucial file informs Google robots about the content on your website that you do not want them to see. Any WordPress blog has some parts that should just not be crawled.

8- Install the SEO-friendly images plugin

This is an often ignored topic, but even if you have lots of images on your site, they will all have alt and title characteristics.

9- Install WordPress Backup (from BTE)

By doing this, your WordPress installation will be automatically backed up every day.

Although you could add a lot more complex plugins and advanced features to this list, it already contains all the fundamental components you require to make your WordPress blog SEO-friendly and improve your chances of a successful website marketing.

Remember that even if these on-site designs are crucial, off-page considerations are far more important than on-page factors. SEO for websites is crucial, but it is only the first step in the promotion of websites.

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