How to know the last appearance of anyone on the Telegram, even if it is hidden

Who among us is not looking for a way to know the last appearance of anyone on the Telegram platform, many people are looking for this topic, but does it really exist? In fact, there was previously an application that would reveal the details of the accounts within the Telegram by using the phone number of the required account, and then it would show you all its information from the username and the last appearance of it to the id number of the account that you searched for, but in the last period it was done Unfortunately, the application has been stopped, and no update has been published for it. As for our explanation for today on this topic, and to know all the details about scam applications, follow the article with us..

How to know the last appearance of anyone on the Telegram, even if it is hidden

How to know the last appearance of anyone on the Telegram, even if it is hidden

In continuation to what I read at the beginning of the article, there are some fraudulent applications that steal money from subscribers under the pretext of showing the last appearance of accounts on Telegram. We are not telling you that this is impossible and that you cannot know the last appearance of a person in Telegram. And avoid paying one dollar for these applications, because they are most likely fraudulent applications intended to steal your money only.

At this time, there is no way or any application that works 100% that displays the last appearance of the accounts of others within the Telegram, and there are some applications within Google Play that do not work properly, and these applications are:

  • Last Seen Telegram app.
  • Telegram Tracking app.

These applications above do not work properly, as the first application steals your money under the pretext of showing your last appearance of accounts on Telegram, while the other application is free, but it does not work 100%. When you search for the desired account, it searches and does not show you any results within the application.

We have previously created a console google play account, and we have uploaded some of our applications within the google play site. We will look for a way to detect the last appearance of people on the telegram and we will convert it into an application and then we will upload it to you within the Google Play site to download it directly Safe and fast

Full explanation or advertisement on YouTube

Links to the applications mentioned in the article

Last Seen Telegram app

Telegram Tracking App

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