Increase followers of telegram channels and bots in a new and exclusive way

 As we used to before, we publish to you all the ways to increase followers of Telegram channels, bots and groups. Increasing your followers on Telegram by displaying your channels and bots to thousands of active users on the Telegram platform, all of this is possible through a special application available within the Google Play platform.

We also want to note that we have previously created several applications for everything related to Telegram, noting that we previously created a Google Play account (google play console) within the Google Play store, and we will upload many and many of these applications related to increasing the number of followers inside it.

Increase followers of telegram channels and bots in a new and exclusive way

Today we will talk about..

 How to increase the number of subscribers and followers of your account on Telegram.

We previously published a large number of explanations within our channels, in addition to many articles on our websites, and today we return to you with a new explanation to increase the number of subscribers to channels and bots.

Today we will use a popular application available within the Google Play platform, and this application contains a wide range of distinct channels and bots within the Telegram platform, and the application is in English, but we will add to you a video explaining how to use the application and adding your channels and bots within the program or adding any A channel you love is in Telegram within the application to increase the number of subscribers

A new application to increase the number of subscribers of Telegram channels

The name of the application that we will explain to you today is the free Chans application that is available within the Google Play platform. You can download the application from the links at the end of this article.

How to use the chans app to increase the number of Telegram followers

The application is easy to use and does not contain any complications in it, although the English language is the language of the application, but it is easy to use and there are no problems with it,

How to add a new channel or bot

1- After you download the application from the links at the end of this article, you install it and install it on your phone.

2- You click on the application and open it, the application will work for you directly and without any problems, as it will show you the latest news in the first interface

3- In the second interface, it will show you several groups of distinct channels that have been simply added within the application.

4- In order to add your channel within the application, you must click on the side menu of the program.

Then click on the word add a new channel or bot.

5- Then you write your channel user name or the bot user name to be added within the application.

6- After you write the channel or bot user name, you send it for review and it will be added later by the application developer once your channel or bot is approved.

In this way, you will have a source of visits and a source of real new subscribers within your channel or bot on the Telegram platform.

Full explanation on youtube

Application download links

Download from file upload site

Download from mediafire

Download from Google Play

Download from within telegram

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