What is the local database memory in Telegram and what are its benefits

 All Telegram users know what the temporary memory is in Telegram, how it can be controlled, and how they can get rid of the excess files to empty the memory inside their device, but few people do not know what the local database is in Telegram, and if it is deleted, it will cause problems for the account inside the Telegram or not. All these details will be mentioned to you in this article

What is the local database memory in Telegram and what are its benefits

As it is known to everyone, Telegram has a temporary storage memory that it uses in order to store data and file details, including photos, videos, audio clips, and even files, documents, and the rest of the details within the files of the user’s device. Also, the user must know that within Telegram there is a local database, which is a memory for conversations within the Telegram platform, where a person can delete this database, but when he wants to refer to old messages in his conversations, he must download messages within the conversation, by moving between messages from New messages to old messages, and by continuing to do this method, the entire conversation will be carried within the database of the account in Telegram. Therefore, when deleting the local database, it does not cause any problems for personal or public conversations within the Telegram account, and the user can simply re-download all messages in the conversations.

This is the benefit of Telegram's local database

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