How to increase the users of Telegram channels, real members, for free

 Telegram is one of the famous social media platforms that has gained more than 700 million active users since the launch date of this platform until this moment. As it has many, many features that made this platform prominent and distinct from other platforms such as WhatsApp.

At the beginning of the launch of Telegram, people could create groups and bots only within Telegram, and they could not create channels, but with the continuation of updates on this platform, the company that developed Telegram added new updates and new features, including channels, with the ability to modify many features within user accounts in Telegram. One of the most important updates that occurred in Telegram is the distinguished Telegram (Telegram Premium), which is a subscription within your Telegram account that allows you to use exclusive features, especially in your account when subscribing to Telegram Premium, which distinguishes you from others who did not subscribe to this service, and this is one of the most beautiful additions that occurred within the telegram.

However, channels and bots remain the most beautiful additions within Telegram, due to their frequent use and multiplicity of functions within the platform. As for today, we will mention to you a website that provides you with many, many targeted channels and bots located within the Telegram platform for free, and this site also allows you to add your own bots and channels within this site in order to increase the number of subscribers of your channels on Telegram. To know more details, continue reading the article....

How to increase the users of Telegram channels, real members, for free

How to increase the users of Telegram channels, real members, for free

There are many methods that people use on Telegram in order to increase the number of subscribers to channels and bots, real and interactive members within the Telegram platform, but few of these methods are effective, working and reliable methods in obtaining the largest possible number of real members interacting with your channel or bot on Telegram platform.

You should know, dear reader, that there are many, many ways in which users can increase the number of subscribers of their channels and bots within Telegram, and one of the most common methods is bots within Telegram and websites on the Internet, while other methods that you can use is to publish your channel on other communication sites such as Facebook Facebook and other communication sites.

As for now, we will explain to you a distinguished website that you can use in order to increase the Telegram channel with real members for free and with ease. It is the website of the Telegram channels, and it is one of the distinguished sites on the Internet that provides assistance services to the Telegram platform, as the site shows you the best channels and the best bots that exist within the Telegram application, and it is a site similar to the Telegram channels application available within Google Play, which we have previously published to you, and the application is very similar to the application Our own, which we have published to you within the Google Play Store for free.

Telegram channel features

The site has many features, the most important of which are:

  1. Easy to use website.
  2. Free website.
  3. The site is completely Arabic.
  4. The site contains more than 5 distinct sections within it.

We will not only mention to you the advantages of the site, but we will mention to you some of the negatives within it, which are:

  1. The site is not available in other languages.
  2. Lots of annoying ads on the site.
  3. A slight delay in the response of the website's support team in order to add channels and bots within the website.

As for the method of adding channels and bots within the site, it is very easy and there are no complications in it, and it is as follows:

1- Go to the website by (clicking here).

2- Click on the 3 lines at the top left of the screen.

3- From the drop-down menu, click on Add your channel.

4- You write the ID of your channel or bot in the field designated for it and click on Next.

5- You write all the information required of you in the fields designated for it in the correct and exact manner.

6- You send your channel, and it will be added as soon as it is reviewed by the site's support team.

* Note that your channel must be non-obscene and not violate the terms of Telegram's usage policy, and it must be non-violating in order to agree to add it on the site.

In this way, and by using this website, you can get the most beautiful targeted channels within the Telegram, as well as get the most beautiful bots within the platform, in addition to the possibility of using the website in order to increase the number of your subscribers within your channels and bots on the famous Telegram platform.

Full explanation or advertisement on YouTube

Required links

To download the Telegram guide application (click here)

To enter the site used in the article (click here)

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